Alexis Diamond

Alexis and her dog Charles

About Me

I am a student in Coding Boot Camp. I am passionate about anything outdoors; camping hiking biking and paddle boarding. I love to code because I love problem solving and the feeling you get when you finally figure out a problem and your code works! My favorite languages are HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Screenshot of All Your Music Needs Website

All Your Music Needs

This application uses HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Moment Bootstrap and APIs. A user can search for any artist and be redirected to a page displaying a photo, biography and tour dates of the searched artist with an option to save that artist to a "Favorite Artists" page. The nav bar allows the user to navigate to a page with their saved favorite artists and a "Upcoming Concerts "page with the next 20 tour dates for their last searched artist.

Password Generator

Screenshot of Password Generator

This project used HTML, CSS, and Javascript. When the user navigates to the page they can click the "Generate Password" button. They are then presented with prompts asking them a serries of questions about the parameters of their desired password. Once the user comepletes the prompts a random password is generated in the passowrd field.

Daily Planner

Screenshot of Day Planner

This project used HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, and Moment. It allows the user to enter tasks into a form and save those imputs on page refresh. The imput fields change color depending on the time of day. Fields are grey if the hour of the day is past, red if it is the current hour and green if the hour is in the future.